No More Procrastination. No More Delays. It's time to Unlock Your Voice.

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If you’re an Anointed Kingdom Woman in Business and Ministry, Prophetic entrepreneur, Disruptor or Emerging Faith-based author, don’t MISS this opportunity to MULTIPLY THE GIFTS INSIDE OF YOU!

When you unlock your authentic voice, you get clarity around your message. When you speak or write, you release a sound which attracts your dream audience to you.


X 6 months



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I believe that the underdog is about to birth books that will UNLOCK THE VOICE of others and align them to their destinies.

Disruptor, this is your wake-up call to OWN your story.

It’s time to get into alignment with your Kingdom Assignment.

You raised the kids.

Your identity got buried in your roles.

You quit your job or your boss fired you.

You experienced a major transition in your life and were faced with the decision to sink or swim.

There is an AWAKENING!

Every single trial prepared you for this moment where you can put the pieces of the puzzle together of your life story and the lessons learned along the way. It's what makes YOU unique.

What's your story?

Yes, I know that you may be feeling that it's not significant, but HE CHOSE YOU TO TELL THE STORY IN YOUR OWN VOICE.

The book you have been called to write in this season is your KINGDOM KEY to open the door to your NEXT LEVEL.




You have a unique mandate to fulfill with a 'message in your belly' to reach the nations.

It's time to finish the book and get seen as the go-to-expert because your NEXT is connected to it.


When was the last time you dreamed with God without OVERTHINKING the process?

Perhaps you are even wrestling with the thoughts that 'My story isn't relevant OR not I'm not making BIG impact'.




My story is no different to yours.

I yielded to His voice.

For years I believed the lie that spiritual gifts are only for church gatherings and that I couldn't break free from the cultural stereotypes that was placed on me.

It wasn't Kingdom.


I struggled with people-pleasing, insecurities, double minded-ness, rejection, doubt and fear of the unknown.

YEP, that was me until I shifted my mindset that being overlooked was a blessing!

embraced my calling even though I didn't have the next steps before me.

I INVESTED in my GROWTH and mastered my story.


If you could think off the top of your head, what's that ONE thing you want to be known for?

Imagine amplifying your story and becoming a household name while empowering others.


What I often here from multi-passionate leaders is, "I didn't believe I could write and finish my book until I met you".

Get seen.

Feel valued and appreciated.

Make YOUR difference in the world.


Some of the ways you can realize this dream is connecting with like-minded Kingdom Disruptors, dust off the journal and hundreds of pages you have scribbled on over the years.



There is a Move of God in the Marketplace and He is positioning you for the promise.


It's long OVERDUE!



Invest in who you are Becoming.

X 6 months



Once-off (Save $400)



It's not in your DNA to conform to the status quo.



Megan Bruiners

Our mission is to align you to your calling as you rewrite your story with God so that you can take DOMINION in the marketplace.  You get the blueprint to create generational wealth with your unique message.

The cutting edge for this 6 MONTH ONLINE PROGRAM is that we partner with Holy Spirit through our online training, prophetic activation, live coaching and courses. You get access to guest industry experts from across the globe so that you can birth impactful books.


My Story


Hi, I'm Megan

I'm a recovered people-pleaser and answered YES to the prophetic call on my life.

I help Kingdom leaders (between the ages of 40 and 65) cultivate their gifts and write with power so that they can fulfil their destinies.

As a Prophetic Scribe, my mandate is to write on sexual sin, faulty thinking, approval addiction, toxic relationships, stepping into your God-given authority, dominating in the marketplace, scarcity mindsets, shame and unlocking your voice in this season.

I have written 4 books, where three ranked as #1 International Bestsellers on Amazon.

This led me to blaze a trail with opportunities to feature my story in global magazines, podcast interviews, launching my Tv show, speaking on international virtual stages and stewarding this MOVEMENT!


As the host of 'Amplify Your Voice' Tv show that airs globally in 200 million homes, we also create platforms for influencers and Kingdom Authors who are blazing a trail.

My ONE story was the inspiration behind the four books that have been written over 2 years, which includes co-authoring and unlocking the voices of Kingdom women from across the globe.

I am in the process of curating my 5th book, Unlock Your Voice (Volume II) which was birthed to edify the Body of Christ and to showcase the daily struggles and victories of women mantled for ministry, business and motherhood.


The time is now and we're ready to Evolve, Expand & Elevate You to the Next Level.

The focus of the academy is not only to give you the tools to finish your book, but to create an environment to cultivate your gifts so that you can fulfil your prophetic destiny. 

The GAMECHANGER is when you can use your life lessons, personal experiences, skills and spiritual gifts to transform lives through your gift of writing.


Your book is a tool to transform pain into purpose and gives others permission to tell their story.


You have the power to reframe your story and redefine wealth in your sphere of influence. 

Wealth is more than money. It's about prospering in your soul and being healed mind, body and spirit.

It starts with transforming lives with ONE story. ONE platform. ONE person at a time.


Yes, I want to join the 6 month program

Who is 'The Author's Hub' for?


  • You are an Established Kingdom coach who have co-authored in a Multi-author book or in the process of writing your solo book, while looking to connect with a community of Spirit-led entrepreneurs, on a mission to make Kingdom impact.

  •  You're a Prophetic scribe who desires to flow in your writing by partnering with the Holy Spirit, so that you can finish your God-given assignment.

  • You're a Kingdom influencer desiring an 'author's inner circle' to get access to writing, publishing, media opportunities and marketing resources on ONE platform.

  •  You're a Kingdom-driven creative in transition and on a mission to own your overcomer story so that you can influence lives on a global platform and leave a generational legacy behind.

What you can expect in 'The Authors Hub':


You're destined to be an original and not a carbon copy of someone else.



$900 x 6 months


Once-off (Save $498)



Bonus for Full Payment Opt in: 



Mich Nicolas, Life Coach, Philippines

"I’m so grateful to and for Megan, who led the “Just Say No” project. She exhibited confident and gracious leadership. It was a smooth and clear process, and if I had any questions or concerns, she was quick to address them. I love how she supported and celebrated us, her clients, and she is a generous soul. Most of all, I love how she is so attuned to the Lord; a truly anointed Kingdom entrepreneur!"

Shelley Henk, Certified Health Coach, USA

"I am so thankful for Megan for helping me fulfill a dream and vision God gave me of becoming a first time author.

She made the process simple and easy. I absolutely know without a doubt God sent Megan to me to help me step into my next level as a coach, creator, and educator."

Vanessa Daniels, Transition Coach, USA

"God sent Megan my way, and I finally said “no” to the spirit of fear and confusion. It was time to “unlock my voice”! 
Saying “YES” to God and to Megan - without my normal over-thinking and over-analysis - gave me the COURAGE to just do it…afraid! 
That “YES” empowered me to write a chapter of my life-changing story of loss, healing, and freedom, and to submit it A WEEK EARLY! Not even 2 weeks of flu and respiratory infection - hurled at me by the enemy of my soul to still keep me silent - could stop me! 
Completing my chapter for the Multi-Author book project (Unlock Your Voice) inspired, motivated and emboldened me to KEEP ON writing…and now I’m FINALLY writing my own solo book!"

Tabitha Morrow, Kingdom entrepreneur, USA

"During the workshop, I could sense the Holy Spirit and anointing on her. I could literally see chain links begin to break off of my mind about my writing. I signed up for her 8 week program with doubts but week by week, I leaned in and gleaned all that I could. I still didn't have clarity and during one session, Megan, The Holy Spirit, and I began to break the rest of the chain links off. 

There were things I had to surrender, mostly my way, my faulty thinking, that would allow me to break through and begin to write. I am so grateful for Megan and her ability to help others and her willingness to walk in obedience to what God has called her to do. 

If you have a story inside you that you need to get out, work with her. She will pray with you and share her anointing with you in this area to bring about what God wants for you as you walk in obedience too."


 About Megan


Megan is a gift to the Body of Christ and a prophetic voice in the marketplace. She is a Prophetic Book Coach,  #1 international bestselling author, international speaker, and the TV show host of “Amplify Your Voice” on The InspireU Network Channel that airs in more than 200 million homes.

Megan founded the Wealthy Kingdom Authors Academy in 2022, which is an online book mentoring platform for Established Kingdom coaches and pioneers. The academy is a global movement where trailblazers are equipped to write and publish impactful books for a global audience.

She also aligns established Kingdom business owners to their unique heavenly mandates as authors through her signature 60 Day Accelerator, and by leading multi-author book projects that have helped Kingdom entrepreneurs maximize their impact and profits.

Megan completed a Master of Tourism and Hospitality degree in 2015, and started her travel business two years later. She now serves clients globally as a coach and travel expert.

She is blazing a trail in the areas of breaking generational cycles of sexual sin, faulty thinking, approval addiction, toxic relationships, scarcity mindsets, and shame through her writing. She walks in her heavenly mandate to cultivate the gifts inside Kingdom-focused women entrepreneurs, and helps to uncover their hidden potential while writing Bestseller books in 60 days.

Megan's gift of writing was unlocked in 2018 when she enrolled for a writing master class. In 2020, she published her first book, Unmasking Purpose: A Guide To Overcoming Addiction And Discovering Purpose, the same year she was retrenched, after a successful 14 years as a senior flight attendant. Her 4th book called 'Unlock Your Voice', which is an International Multi-author book project, was launched in May 2023 and was a huge success.

She is married to her husband of 10 years and is mom to their adorable 2-year-old son, Joshua.


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